From Chaos To Calm

Even if the world feels chaotic, you don’t have to be.

It’s time to thrive in a gentler way.

Join the waitlist below to be the first to know when From Chaos To Calm opens for enrolment.

    The more chaotic the world feels, the more anchored we need to be in our own resilience.

    If you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed or burnt out, it’s time to drop your anchor.

    It’s time to reconnect with yourself, release the stress you are carrying, and find the calm, inner peace and balance you are looking for.

    Let’s restore your resilience and enable you to not only bounce back, but also to ‘bounce forward’ with more energy, joy and purpose.

    “When I started working with Isabelle, I felt burnt out and suffered from high levels of anxiety. Working with Isabelle has been key in helping me to understand the patterns that held me back and kept me stuck in cycles of stress and burnout. Our work has allowed me to give myself the time and space I needed to bring my nervous system back into a balanced state. I’m really grateful for Isabelle’s support, which has enabled me to move forward feeling safe and empowered!

    Isabelle has an incredible ability to hold space and create a safe container for everything that needs to be seen and heard. I felt incredibly safe, supported, seen and welcomed - in the broadest sense of the word. “

    — M.

    From Chaos To Calm

    From Chaos To Calm is a 12-week group programme for women who are feeling stressed and overwhelmed, and who would like to release the stress they are carrying, reclaim their inner peace, restore their resilience & reignite their spark.

    This programme is designed to help you feel more grounded, and better able to cope with the ups and downs of life. 

    It will help you to reignite your purpose and reclaim your joy. 

    It will guide you towards more presence and deeper contentment.

    Because when we tone down the stress and overwhelm that are fuelling us, space opens up to engage with life in a richer and more fulfilling way.

    From Chaos to Calm is specifically designed and curated to support you if:

    • You feel stressed and overwhelmed and find it hard to rest and relax.

    • Your body feels tired, and perhaps you lie awake feeling anxious in the middle of the night

    • You feel mentally exhausted. There is so much on your mind. All. The. Time. 

    • You put everyone else’s needs before your own, even when you are running on empty.

    • You live for the weekends but lack the energy to fully enjoy them when they finally arrive.

    • You struggle to be present and feel like you are missing out on these memory-making moments.

    • You know you ‘should’ prioritise your wellbeing but you feel guilty about carving time out for yourself.

    • You might tick all the boxes for ‘how to be happy’, but on the inside something is missing - and you are left wondering: where’s the joy?

    You are waiting for the day where you can finally pause and be happy.

    It’s time…

    You are ready to do life differently.
    And perhaps you can see this version of yourself in your mind…

    She is calm, relaxed, and grounded.

    She savours the precious moments unfolding in her life.

    She respects her needs, boundaries and energy. 

    She feels in flow.

    She may not be perfect, but she accepts herself just as she is and her inner voice is supportive and compassionate.

    She is connected to her needs, and guided by what matters most to her.

    She has a vision for her life, and a clear sense of purpose. 

    She feels proud of who she is becoming and the life she is creating.

    Perhaps you can picture her?

    But embodying her might feel so far from how you feel…

    I have been there too.

    I know that change is possible for you, just as it was for me.

    In this programme, I will be guiding you through this transformation journey step by step.

    What makes this programme unique?

    It goes beyond addressing problems on the surface.

    Unlike most programmes, we start by repairing our own foundation and soothing our nervous system. We slow down before moving forward, in order to address stress at a deeper level.

    Only then can we draw on our creativity, inspiration and foundation to look ahead and envision a new path. 

    We work not only with the mind …

    … but also with and through the body for longer lasting change. Embodiment is foundational throughout the programme.

    We take a trauma-informed approach

    While the programme is not aimed at resolving trauma, it offers a trauma-informed approach to ensure a safe space for all.

    What does it include?

    • During these calls, we will explore the week's theme together, and you will benefit from my support, as well as connecting with like-minded women taking part in this transformational journey alongside you.

      Calls will be delivered live, online over zoom, so you can join us from the comfort of your own home. They will also be recorded and available for you to watch later if you are unable to join the live calls.

    • These simple but powerful practices will be aimed at regulating your nervous system, releasing stress and reconnecting with the body.

    • Journaling prompts, readings and more to elicit deeper personal learning, reflection and insight.

    • You will benefit from a complementary 10% discount on any bespoke, personal coaching session that you book throughout the duration of the programme, and up until one month after it completes.

    • If you are an experienced yogi, you are warmly invited to join my weekly virtual Mindful Vinyasa Yoga classes at no extra cost. This is an entirely optional invitation ; attending the classes is not necessary for the success of the programme.

    What difference could 12 weeks make to you and your life?

    More grounding, calm & resilience

    You will feel more grounded, resilient and able to cope with life’s ups and downs, regardless of how unpredictable or overwhelming the world feels.

    You will feel more connected to yourself, your desires, longings, and emotions, … and remember who you are underneath the stress and busyness.

    More vibrancy & energy

    You will have adopted lifelong new habits to feel more rested, energised and vibrant. You will be able to sustain your energy and wellbeing and feel a greater sense of flow between the ‘doing’ and ‘being’ in your life.

    A greater sense of purpose and direction

    You will have reconnected with what lights you up, and created space to incorporate it in your everyday life. You will have crafted a new vision for your life and a personal compass to guide your choices, decisions and the steps along this new path.

    More presence and joy from what life already offers

    You will feel more present and able to truly savour the precious moments that already exist in your life. This deeper sense of presence will positively impact you as a partner, parent, daughter, co-worker,… and have a profound effect on your relationships.

    Self-leadership: becoming your inner leader

    You will feel more ‘in charge’ of your moment-to-moment state, the energy you bring to your everyday experiences, the thoughts you cultivate and the way you manage your emotions.

    You will be able to stand more fully in your embodied power.

    You will trust yourself to navigate whatever comes your way as you embrace this next chapter of your life

    This isn’t a shortcut to happiness or an attempt to ‘fix’ you, but a meaningful journey of deep personal transformation which will continue to impact you long after it ends.

    Hi, I’m Isabelle

    I’m an Emotional Resilience and Embodied Feminine Leadership Coach and Facilitator. 

    Several years ago, after years of striving without ever pausing, my life came crashing down. My mental and emotional health plummeted.  My anxiety reached such a level that the smallest hurdle in my day sent me into a downward emotional spiral.

    After 20 years in the corporate world, I now specialise in helping women to press pause, reconnect with themselves and develop a resilient inner core, so they can live and lead with more calm and ease ; and experience more joy while having the impact they desire.

    I know first-hand that when we tone down the anxiety and the struggling, space opens up to engage with life in a richer and more meaningful way.

    From Chaos to Calm draws on my 17 years of experience in yoga, mindfulness, self-compassion and embodiment. 

    In addition to being infused by my personal experience of recovering from severe burnout, it brings together the multitude of coaching modalities I have studied over the years.

    My coaching is insightful, transformational and compassionate because this has been (and continues to be) my journey too.

    What previous clients and participants are saying…

    “When I first started working with Isabelle I felt exhausted and overwhelmed. I had no idea how to make any changes for the better. Life felt like a heavy load. Working with Isabelle was wonderful, reassuring and enlightening. My greatest insight was to realise that my life was up to me. It was a gentle shift in outlook and suddenly I could see a clear path in front of me.”

    — KC

    “Isabelle is a special coach who radiates a serene joy and compassionate manner. She exudes the wisdom of someone who has clearly done her work transforming herself and her life. Her well-crafted online programme gave me new, valuable tools that are both simple and powerful. I highly recommend working with Isabelle in any capacity that you can.” -

    — Margaret

    “I'm so grateful I was able to access this programme.I loved the community feel and found it really insightful to hear other people's experiences. In life we need to portray this well put-together version of ourselves and hide our vulnerabilities. However, in the group I felt secure that I could share what I'm actually struggling with. Thank you again!"

    — Sunny

    Phase 1 - EXHALE

    • Module One - Awareness & Intention


      Exploring where you are now, and what led you here. Understanding the arc of our transformational journey from Chaos To Calm and declaring your personal, heart-felt intention for the programme.

    • Module Two - Presence & Spaciousness

      Slowing down.

      Learning to become more present, and return to your body to create more spaciousness in the mind. Adopting simple new habits to support your wholeness and wellbeing.

    • Module Three - Releasing The Stress Your Body Holds

      Letting go.

      Releasing the stress you have been carrying for so long. Becoming aware of your stress patterns and recognising your early warning signs of burnout. Learning how to cope with overwhelm and overload skilfully.

    • Module Four - Nurturing your Nervous System


      Regulating your nervous system to find more grounding and calm in those moments where it all feels too much. Becoming familiar with your nervous system states and learning how to bring yourself back to your ‘homebase’ at any moment.


    • Module Five - Amplifying Joy

      Light Up.

      Exploring the demands placed on your energy and time, reconnecting with what lights you up and makes your soul sing. Reintegrating these ‘soul fuels’ in your everyday life.

    • Module Six - Compassionate Boundaries


      Creating space for what matters most by protecting your time and energy through compassionate boundaries. Learning to trust your body’s wisdom, and to say a kind ‘no’ rather than a resentful ‘yes’.

    • Module Seven - Inner Balance


      Reflecting on what inner balance means to you and shifting from a constant go, go, go energy into more flow between ‘doing & being’. Consciously managing the energy you bring to each moment.

    • Module Eight - Honouring Your Inner Seasons


      Letting go of living linearly and being always ‘on’, and practising living cyclicly : according to your own inner seasons and cycles to nurture your energy, ease and wellbeing.


    • Module Nine - Riding The Waves Of Emotions


      Learning to cope with difficult and challenging emotions with deep compassion and to develop a kinder, more tender and more self-empowering relationship with yourself to fuel your wholeness and resilience.

    • Module Ten - Illuminating Unconscious Patterns


      Uncovering the unconscious patterns that are keeping you stuck in repeating cycles of stress and burnout. Through inquiry, revealing your personal burnout ‘archetypes’ and tending to what lies beneath the surface, at the root of these ways of being.

    • Module Eleven - Embodied Feminine Energy


      Becoming familiar with masculine and feminine energy, their traits and impact. Deliberately creating harmony between these 2 polarities for more ease, flow and empowerment.

    • Module Twelve - Embracing A New Vision


      Creating a new vision for yourself and your life, and embedding these new tools and practices into your everyday life, for more peace, fulfilment, joy and purpose.

    Join us on this journey from Chaos To Calm

    “I highly recommend working with Isabelle in any capacity that you can.  She will see you and your issues with clarity and great kindness as well as lead you into the direction of living your life in a more joyful and intentional way.”


    • Dates haven’t yet been confirmed for the next iteration of the programme. To be the first to know when it opens for enrolment, simply join the waitlist here.

    • From Chaos To Calm is not only about learning new material cognitively - it’s about integrating it into your daily life and embodying new ways of being.

      If you feel that there is scope in your life to better manage stress, to feel more at peace, to set protective boundaries and find a sense of inner balance, to tone down the inner critical voice and live with more joy and purpose, I’m confident that this programme will be valuable to you.

      If you are at all unsure about whether this is the right next step for you, please book a time in my diary here: We will explore together if this would be a good fit for you and your personal journey.

    • From Chaos To Calm is a group programme and doesn’t include one-to-one support.

      If you would like to explore working with me personally, and receiving support that is tailored to your specific needs and situation, please book a discovery call with me here.

    • Yes, the programme is specifically designed to address and unwind the beliefs and narratives that women most commonly internalise in today’s society.

    • If you are at all unsure about whether the programme would be a good fit for you, please book a call in my diary here.

      I will be more than happy to talk through any concerns or doubts you have, and explore with you what the best next step might be.

    To keep the group small and intimate, the number of participants is limited.

    To be the first to know when the next cohort of From Chaos To Calm opens for enrolment, simply join the waitlist below.

    “If it is impossible for you to go on as you were before, you must go on as you never have.”

    - Cheryl Strayed -

    Are you unsure about whether this is the right programme for you? Do you have any questions that haven’t been answered yet?

    Book a personal call with me below.

    We’ll explore together if this is the right next step for you.