Stress Less. Live More. Lead Well.

Is it time to thrive in a gentler way?


I know first-hand how easy it is to get caught up in the race of life. Endlessly striving to do more and be more in the hope that it will lead you to feeling whole, fulfilled and happy.

On the surface, you appear together, highly organised, always willing to help and in control of your life. You perform highly at work and your career is ‘on track’.

Yet, underneath the well-kept appearances, you may be fuelled by an under-current of stress and anxiety. Your mind is whirring relentlessly, and years of overachieving and controlling life may have left you feeling depleted and unfulfilled.

Perhaps you feel disconnected. From yourself and your life. 

Your emotional struggles might be starting to affect your health too (tense shoulders, trouble sleeping, …).

You realise that the path you’re on is no longer sustainable.

It’s time to thrive in a different way: fuelled not by self-criticism, anxiety and stress, but from a sense of deep inner resilience, calm and confidence.


It’s time to have the impact you desire without sacrificing your wellbeing.

I have been there too.

Several years ago, after years of striving without ever pausing, my life came crashing down. My mental and emotional health plummeted. My anxiety reached such a level that the smallest hurdle in my day sent me into a downward emotional spiral.

After 20 years in the corporate world, I now specialise in helping female leaders like you to press pause, reconnect with themselves and develop a resilient inner core, so you can live and lead with more calm and ease ; and experience more joy while having the impact you desire.

Because when we tone down the anxiety and the struggling, space opens up to engage with life in a richer and more fulfilling way.

My coaching is insightful, transformational and compassionate because this has been my journey too.

From Chaos To Calm

From Chaos To Calm

It’s time to drop your anchor.

Release stress. Reconnect with yourself. Recalibrate your life.

An intimate, 12-week group mentoring programme for women.

What My Clients Are Saying

“Working with Isabelle has been absolutely life changing and something I will never forget.”


“In life we need to portray this well put-together version of ourselves and hide our vulnerabilities. Isabelle has truly made a real, positive impact on my life. I'm able to break down the the self-destructive thought patterns I let roam free in the past.


“Working with Isabelle has been absolutely life changing. I have come to really appreciate how our minds work in terms of dealing with issues and how this can affect behaviour. I have been able to process negative emotions that I had been carrying around for years. This has been an absolute revelation.


“Isabelle has helped me to get to a point where I am able to bring my whole self to any given situation, without the negative emotions getting in the way, clouding my judgement and dictating my behaviour. It's been incredibly rewarding and being free from those negative feelings has allowed me to feel truly happy for the first time in many years.”


“I had been to various types of coaches, but Isabelle knows how to draw out the best of you, and show it to you in a light that you’ve never seen before. Our work has given me tools, direction and focus, and has helped me to feel calmer and more positive. I know that I will have ups and downs but I believe I have the resilience to cope.

My Services

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One-to-One Coaching

I work with a small number of private clients each year and take them on a personal transformation journey: from feeling stressed, depleted and overwhelmed, to feeling calmer, better resourced and emotionally resilient.  We slow things down and help you reconnect with who you are when you are not clouded by stress and anxiety. This work isn’t a shortcut to happiness, but a truly transformative experience.


Embodied Leadership For Women Mentorship

For female leaders and conscious change makers who want to make a greater impact and fulfil their ambitious vision without being held back by high functioning anxiety, self-doubt and imposter syndrome.

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The Pause Retreat

The Pause Retreats are for female leaders who want to press pause, step away from the hamster’s wheel and come up for air. Over the course of a few days, we take time to reconnect with ourselves, restore our wellbeing and reset our life. These sought-after retreats are a much needed suspended pause in the hustle and bustle of our daily life,


From Chaos To Calm Group Programme

A 12-week group programme for women who are feeling stressed and overwhelmed, and who would like to release the stress they are carrying, reclaim their inner peace, restore their wellbeing & reignite their spark. Less stress, more living.

Here is what you can expect from working with me


Becoming more present.


Pressing pause, and learning to become more present, more often,

Becoming aware of the recurring patterns that are holding you back and affecting your relationships, self-confidence, wellbeing and performance.


Committing to a compelling vision.


Creating an empowering vision for your life.

Committing to the changes you want to create. Stepping out of autopilot and living deliberately.


Less stress, more ease.


Taming stress and anxiety and learning to cope with difficult emotions skilfully.

Toning down self-doubt and cultivating a kinder inner voice.


Cultivating a resilient mindset.


Letting go of perfectionism, people pleasing, control, fear, and outdated beliefs and developing a resilient and supportive mindset that promotes calm, clarity, courage, and confidence.


Greater balance & flow.


Creating capacity in your daily life and finding more ease and flow.

Making wellbeing sustainable.


Impact through embodiment.


Learning to embody new ways of being and to use your body, not only to self-regulate, but also to gain insight, make better decisions and have the impact you desire in all areas of your life.


“I highly recommend working with Isabelle in any capacity that you can. She will see you and your issues with clarity and great kindness, as well as lead you into the direction of living your life in a more joyful and intentional way.”

— Previous Group Coaching Client

To find out more, book a complimentary consultation call with Isabelle

To find out how working with me could help you have the impact you desire (in all areas of your life) without sacrificing your wellbeing, book a call using the link below.