Raise resilience.

Raise results.

Between 2017 and 2020, the cost of poor mental health at work in the UK increased by 16%, now costing up to £45 billion.

The case for investment in mental health by employers is clear. The return is estimated to be on average £5 for every £1 spent, up from the £4 to £1 return identified in 2017.

Source: Deloitte, Mental Health & Employers, January 2020

Organisations face unprecedented challenges.

After a year of pandemic, some of the key wellbeing challenges organisations like yours are facing include:


Systemic chronic stress & burnout.

A year of uncertainty, combined with ever-blurring lines between work and home, and the additional demands of homeschooling while continuing to perform at a high level have taken their toll. Anxiety over layoffs and furloughs, burnout, and mental health are the top 3 challenges expressed by employees*. This will inevitably impact performance, engagement and retention.

Female leaders leaving the workforce.

Female leaders have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic: “1 in 4 women is contemplating downshifting their careers or leaving the workforce, which means that companies risk losing women in leadership - as well as future women leaders - and undoing years of progress toward gender diversity.” * Employers are at a crossroad. The choices they make now to orient towards diversity or shift away from it will have an impact for years to come.


Leaders feeling ill-equipped to support their teams.

Leaders are being asked to step into a new role, and support their team’s emotional and mental wellbeing through these unprecedented times. Many feel ill-equipped, which means they may not be able to lead safely and responsibly, leading to a risk to your engagement, retention and culture.

*Source: McKinsey Women In The Workplace Report 2020

Poor mental and emotional wellbeing is hurting your bottom line.

It’s affecting your employees’ performance, retention, and engagement.

And it’s damaging your company’s diversity and culture.


Forward-thinking organisations recognise the urgency of prioritising wellbeing at all levels, in order to:

  • Proactively address their employees’ emotional wellbeing challenges and the impact it is having on retention, performance, and the company culture.

  • Retain high performing women in leadership roles, protect diversity and preserve their female talent pipeline.

  • Equip their leaders with the tools and knowledge they need to lead their teams safely and responsibly at a critical time.

  • Deliberately create a culture that fosters diversity and psychological safety.

Our Services

We create bespoke solutions to suit the specific needs of your organisation.

These solutions may include one-to-one coaching, group programmes, workshops and trainings delivered in a range of ways tailored to your organisation’s requirements.

Our services include, but are not limited to the brief sample below.

For us to determine the best solution we can provide your organisation, book a free 45-minute consultation call below.



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Resilience for female leaders

One-to-one or group coaching, focused on developing greater emotional resilience, and preventing high functioning anxiety and burnout within your female leaders at a time where they are under unprecedented pressure.

This is for organisations who want to retain women in leadership roles, enable them to perform at their highest level, and protect their female talent pipeline.




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Trauma-aware Leadership Training

This training aimed at equipping your leaders with the foundational knowledge they need to lead safely and responsibly at a time of fragility for their team’s emotional wellbeing.

This is for organisations who want to promote retention and enhance performance by creating a culture that fosters diversity and psychological safety for employees to thrive in.



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Emotional Wellbeing Workshops

A series of workshops focused on offering simple, practical tools and strategies, which your employees can implement immediately to cope with stress and anxiety with more ease,

This is for organisations who want to prevent the damage of stress on employees’ wellbeing, retention and performance, so that they can continue to have high performing teams.


McKinsey’s Women In The Workplace 2021 report highlights that:


1 in 3 women are contemplating downshifting their careers or leaving the workforce, compared to 1 in 4 in 2020.

42% of women are often or almost always burnt out (rising to over 50% for women managing others).

Companies risk losing women in leadership - and future women leaders - and unwinding years of progress toward gender diversity.

It also reveals that “Women are setting new standards for leadership”.

Women leaders are more likely to promote employee wellbeing and spend substantial time on DEI work that falls outside of their formal responsibilities. But it comes at a huge cost, and “the state of women hangs in the balance”.

This crisis represents an opportunity for companies to invest in wellbeing initiatives focused on retaining women leaders.

For us to determine the best solution we can provide your organisation, book a free 45-minute consultation call below.