Your female leaders are paramount to your success. And they are on the brink of burnout.

McKinsey Women In The Workplace Report 2020 highlights that:


“1 in 4 women are contemplating what many would have considered unthinkable less than a year ago: downshifting their careers or leaving the workforce. Companies risk losing women in leadership - and future women leaders - and unwinding years of painstaking progress toward gender diversity.”

“This crisis also represents an opportunity. If companies make significant investments in building a more flexible and empathetic workplace, they can retain employees most impacted by today’s crises and create more opportunities for women to succeed in the long term.””

How committed is your organisation to the wellbeing of its female leaders?

The pressure experienced by women has significantly increased over the past year. Many have had to support the wellbeing of their families, friends and team members, as well as continuing to perform at a high level in their roles.

At a time where the value of ‘soft skills’ in leadership has become exceedingly clear, female leaders have an important role to play in embedding these new leadership values and traits within your organisation. Their perspective, input and contribution is needed to create a thriving, diverse and inclusive business and workplace culture.

Yet, your female leaders are at risk of empathy fatigue and burnout. Many are re-evaluating how to pursue their career goals and ambitions whilst sustaining their emotional, mental and physical wellbeing.


Here is what you can expect to see when your female leaders become more emotionally resilient:

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Resilient performance.

Developing inner leadership skills will help them to manage stress, as well as lean forward more boldly. Sustained by a strong emotional and mental ‘core’, they will be able to perform at their highest level without sacrificing their wellbeing.

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Resilient leadership.

By leading with calm, compassion, clarity, courage and confidence, they will role model embodied, resilient leadership qualities within the organisation.

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Resilient culture.

Through positive emotional contagion, their resilience will create a ripple effect within their peers and team members, thereby contributing to embedding wellbeing at organisational, team and individual level. 


About Isabelle

Isabelle is an Emotional Resilience & Embodied Leadership Coach, Trainer and Speaker, who specialises in supporting organisations to prevent high functioning anxiety, stress and burnout within their female leaders, so that they retain more high performing women in senior roles, and continue to attract new female talent.

She founded her coaching practice in 2017, after spending over 20 years in the corporate world. She held a variety of financial roles at AT&T, PwC, and United Technologies Corporation, before moving to the online world in 2000, holding roles at Amazon, Yahoo!, and JustGiving. 


What People Are Saying


“Working with Isabelle has been absolutely life changing. I have come to really appreciate how our minds work in terms of dealing with issues and how this can affect behaviour. I have been able to process negative emotions that I had been carrying around for years. This has been an absolute revelation”


— Previous client, one-to-one resilience coaching

“Isabelle’s well-crafted course gave me new, valuable tools that are both simple and powerful. Isabelle is a true and skilled facilitator - she had a way of making everyone feel comfortable and safe taking a deeper dive into themselves and their manner of living. I highly recommend working with Isabelle in any capacity that you can. “


— Previous participant, group coaching programme

Schedule a Consultation Call to discuss how Isabelle could help you prevent high functioning anxiety, stress and burnout within your female leaders.